Supporting thousands of products with alerts.

EveryMon Solves Alert Fatigue
For IT Teams

57.8% of IT pros get too many alerts, drowning them in alert fatigue.
You can cut back on the alerts you receive and save hours of time a month.


Manage every type of alert across thousands of systems in a single tool.

Trigger based alerts

Some services will go down and come back after a short time, you still need to log it but you don’t need the helpdesk to scramble into action.

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Features 10

Genuine alerts to the right team

Make sure your alert gets routed to the right team for faster resolution.

Granular User Permissions

Custom user roles and permissions as standard, by design you can allow certain users to view, edit or admin specific features.

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Features 12

Conditional Logic

Process any type of email alert. Use your own conditional logic (We do have templates coming soon for hundreds of off the shelf products)

API Integration for FreshDesk

API integration with FreshDesk for auto opening and closing of tickets. More products on the way.

Features 13

Cut down on noisy alerts
See the results EveryMon delivers